graphic art // Bombay Beach shirt

We worked with Portland band Bombay Beach to create some shirt art—order yours here!

video // CULT TACOMA : Elk & Boar

Here are a couple more videos we shot for Cult Tacoma.  We caught up with the band Elk & Boar as they were preparing for performances down at SXSW last week.

Over coffee at Bluebeard the other day, we had a conversation with Kirsten—the Elk in Tacoma’s soulful Elk & Boar—about this and that and mostly, the weather. Our consensus was that Tacoma skies brandish more diversity—day to day, hour to hour—than any other place we’ve lived. From the gauzy west-facing pinks of afternoon to glowing cloud obelisks pervading the port skies at night to the otherworldly opacity of surprise snowfalls, Tacoma never fails to awe us when we look up.

Kirsten invited us to join Elk & Boar in their studio—”The Cottage”—to record a couple of their songs on just such a mercurial day . . .

Read more at Cult Tacoma!

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video // White Moustache Urban Adventure Co. : Musical Plates

When thinking to ourselves of a few of our favorite things, we often find “food” and “music” sitting at the top of the list.  The mad genius Bryce Lathrop has invented a new way one may experience both at the same time—his one-of-a-kind gastro tour company White Moustache (“Seattle’s only eating tour on wheels”) now offers a Musical Plates tour which pairs lucky eaters/listeners with a local, independent band and their epicurean tastes.  Bryce hand-picks courses from his favorite Seattle eateries inspired by the favorite foods of each band member.

Cruising through the twinkling lights of Seattle’s skyline and diverse hoods with some of our newest friends, an incredible band—Tacoma’s Goldfinch—and some mind-blowing food was about as serendipitous as we’d like a moment to get!

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